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It is my expectation to run over to Phil/a on Sunday Feby 20th/. leaving Monday AM early for a meeting at Trenton, N.J. and then on to N.Y. I think that I might arrange to go to  Phil/a on Saturday P.M. and spend all of Sunday there. And I will write Mr King to this effect.
 How would this suit you, in the event Mr Widener could allow [[insert]] ^us [[/insert]] to see the collection that day?
 I tried to find time to drop in

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[[preprinted]] THE CAUSEWAY KLINGLE ROAD [[/preprinted]]
 Washington, D.C.
February 6. 1916.
 My dear Mr. Glaenzer:
   Thank you very much for your very courteous letter and your invitation to see the Widener Gallery. I do want to have the opportunity and to bring my friends the Kings with me.
 I will write Mr King and learn when he intends coming