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April 6th 1921

Mr. Dudley L. Pickman
98 Beacon street
Boston, Mass.

Dear Mr. Pickman,-

Let me again tell you how very pleased I was of your visit this morning, and I will not fail to send news from you to my father, Mr. Jacques Seligmann, with the first mail.

Herewith I am sending you a memorandum of the two Sèvres objects you saw at our Galleries this morning, and which you were interested in, stating their price. Special instructions are given here so that should [[text bracketed in left and right margins]] you like to view them after my departure, that is April 20th, you will be able to do so. [[/ text bracketed]]

I am extremely sorry that you could not give me more of your time to give you a better idea of the 18th century works of art of all kinds that we possess here and of which we are very proud. In any case, I hope that when you come to Paris next fall, you will not fail to look us up at the ancien Palais Sagan, 57 rue Saint-Dominique which, as you probably know, my father purchased 10 or 12 years ago, and which is now our business place in Paris. The rue Saint-Dominique is on the left bank of the Seine, behind the Chambre des Députés, quite close to the Boulevard St-Germain.

Pray believe me,

Yours sincerely,