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NY 720/P6426
Two flower stands in ancient Sèvres porcelain, of a quadrangular shape, decorated in the front with small houses and landscapes of pink color on a white ground. Charming French work of hte 18th century. They are dated 1755 and bear the mark "d'Anteaume" painter of landscapes and animals, at Sèvres.
Frs. 21.000

NY 1374/P 8165
A very delicate antique tea-service of Sèvres porcelain, decorated with flowers, comprising: Tea-pot, Sugar-bowl, Cup and saucer, Cream-pot and plate. Dated 1781
Frs. 7.000
Excise tax 10% " [[ditto for "Frs."]] 700
Frs. 7.700