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November 3rd 1922

Mr. Harry Sachs,
4 West 74th street
New York

My dear Mr. Sachs,-

Coming back last night from your lovely home, my cousin and myself discussed what to put to ornate the white panel in the foyer hall.

We first thought of a bronze cartel clock, or what we call in French "une pendule a accrocher" of fine quality, but we think that one of these might be too small to fill the panel and, on the other hand, too much in relief for the narrow space between the panel and the stair-case.

A picture we think would be more suitable, but we don't think it worth while to spend for the foyer hall the money which a good quality oil painting of that importance and of that size would cost.  We think that we have got here a pastel of very beautiful quality,of the required size, of a pleasing subject, of rather strong colors, and with an especially warm background which is needed on that white space, and at a very reasonable price.  This pastel is a masterpiece of the artist and was exhibited at the Royal Academy in London in 1833.

We are putting this picture aside, sure as we are that it is that very thing for your foyer hall, until Mrs. and Miss Sachs can come and look at it, should you not be able to accompany them.  If they are of our opinion, we will send it up to your house for you to see with the electric and day light.

I am writing you this lengthy letter so that you can read it at leisure, an not to disturb you on the telephone.

Pray believe me,

Yours sincerely,