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[[preprinted]] Recent 371. [[/preprinted]]
22, Arlington Street,
ST James's,S.W.1.
^[[check, initials]]
November 17, 1922.

Dear Monsieur Germain Seligmann,

Lord Wimborne has just received a letter from M. Jacques Seligmann, enclosing one from you, and he wishes me to hasten to write and thank you for all you are doing, and to say he greatly appreciates your valued assistance.

He will see Col. Lowther in regard to the matter, and will then write you further, but in the meantime, he wonders whether he can count on either M. Jacques Seligmann or you being in New York in the month of January.

In the interval, please accept his Lordship's assurances that he greatly values the help you are rendering him in the matter.

Believe me,
Yours sincerely,
^[[Selwyn Davies]]