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Clarke's Art Galleries
42-44 East 58th. St. 

NEW YORK, Oct. 17, 1922. 

Selwyn Davies Esq.,
22 Arlington St., 
St. James, S.l.
London, England.

Dear Sir: 

In reply to your esteemed favor of the 3rd inst. I really think, that as Lord Wimbourne's name is to be used in the dispersal of the goods already here and others to come, that there would be a good chance to sell to advantage many of the pictures from Canford Manor, especially portraits. The same remarks would apply to the china, also the panelling of the oak room and the four 17th. Century tapestries. These additions to the consignment would make it more interesting and attractive, and no doubt would favourably influence the prices. 

Of course we could give no guarantee that the prices offered in connection with the paintings would reach the appraised values-some might bring more and others less. The selling agreement would give you the privilege of protecting the more important items; but we strongly recommend, if these things come here, an absolute sale, for the simple reason, if they do not sell at favorable prices under such auspices, they would never sell and could not be offered again in these galleries.

Yours very truly, 
(Sgd.) Aug. W. Clarke.