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^[[Curations Report 
Aboriginal Pottery - 
Annual Rep. 1887-88]]

[[triple underline]] ^[[Report of the]] Section of Aboriginal Pottery [[handwritten]] in the U.S. National Museum, 1888. [[/triple underline]]
^[[By [[double underline]] William H. Holmes, [[/double underline]] [[underline]] Honorary Curator [[/underline]]]]

The work of cataloguing and installing the great collection of aboriginal pottery is practically completed; as a consequence little has been done during the past year save to properly care for new accessions. A brief statement of the additions is given below. This list includes all material received by the Museum directly, as well as all collections made by the Bureau of Ethnology.
Through our official collectors [[underline]] 509 [[/underline]] numbers have been received; through exchanges [[underline]] 2 [[/underline]]; through purchase [[underline]] 304 [[/underline]]; and through donations [[underline]] 20 [[/underline]].
Four collections of considerable importance are included, one from the Pueblos of Jemez Valley, New Mexico, by James Stevenson, one from the Cherokee and Catawba Indians of North Carolina, by James Mooney, a third from Chiriqui, South America, by J.A. McNiel, and a fourth from Mexico, by Ward Bachelor.
The only researches made by th [[ strikethrough]]is [[/strikethrough]]^[[e]] Curator were a study of the origin and significance of the textile ornament upon the pottery of the Eastern United States, and a study made in the