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[[photograph]]Five men in business suits [[/photograph]]
[[typewritten note accompanying photograph]]  The fifth UNCF opening meeting, Rainbow Room, Rockefeller Center, NYC, April 13, 1948. L. to R., Thomas A. Morgan; John D. Rockefeller, Jr.; William E. Cotter; Winthrop W. Aldrich; Donald K. David, Dean, Harvard Business School.  [[/typewritten note]]

[[invitation - preprinted]] 
Mr. Winthrop W. Aldrich
Mr. Thomas A. Morgan
Mr. John D. Rockefeller, Jr.
on behalf of the Presidents and Trustees
of the thirty-two Negro colleges
cordially invite

to attend a meeting
on Tuesday afternoon, April the thirteenth
at four o'clock
in the Rainbow Room
Thirty Rockefeller Plaza
New York

38 East Fifty-seventh Street
New York 22