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With industry and close economy less will suffice, 
Cost of clothing from $20 to $50 a year. (See "Clothing.") 
Board, including washing, clothes-mending, fuel, lights, and medical attendance (not including dentistry), $10 per month. State students pay their board like others, partly in cash and partly in labor. (See Remarks)
Book Money. At the beginning of the school year money for books is payable as follows: Seniors, $7; Middlers, $4; Juniors, $6. Should more books be required they will be charged in the monthly bills. Books are supplied at cost. 

[[italics]] Cash payments in advance monthly. [[/italics]]
Students nineteen years of age and upward pay five dollars in cash, [[italics]] in advance, [[/italics]] on entering school, and those eighteen years of age and less pay six dollars on entering and the same advance payments become due before the tenth day of each succeeding month, and also any balance due from the previous month. Those who fail to pay are liable to suspension from recitations till payment is made, but will be required to attend all other school exercises, including chapel prayers and study hours. 

[[Italics]] Payment in Labor. [[/italics]]
The school eudeavors to give each student over eighteen years of age five dollars' worth of work monthly, and four dollars in work to each on under eighteen. But while in most cases able-bodied, good workers, especially mechanics, can earn this amount, the school [[italics]] does not guarantee [[/italics]] that each worker shall, regardless of the real value of his or her labor, earn a fixed sum. The rate of wages varies according to the age of the student and the real value of the work done. 
The school does the best it can to supply work. Whatever