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2. Applicants must be able to read well in the Third Reader and understand Numeration, Notation, Addition, and Subtraction.

3. Wages will be according to the ability of the student, from four to ten dollars a month, besides board, room, washing, etc. 

4. Students' earnings are to be used only for necessary school expenses, such as clothing and books, and not to meet outside obligations or traveling expenses. When purchasing they are expected to buy articles made in or supplied by the school, which are both reasonable in price and durable. 

5. The first three months are probationary--only board, room, and washing, are guaranteed to work students for that time. If finally accepted they receive such wages from the first as are agreed on. Apprentices to trades may receive board alone for from six months to a year. Students learning trades are required to attend night school during the entire period of apprenticeship. There is no pay or allowance for lost time. 

6. Students' earnings are to be held by the School Treasurer, who will give a monthly detailed statement of account. A limited amount may be drawn from earnings for necessary expenses. Such money must be applied for by a neatly-written letter, stating the exact article needed or the specific object of the money asked for. Complaint of the articles bought at the school to be made within five days. The monthly allowance may be raised or lowered as the students shall earn more or less than ten dollars a month, and according to their savings. 

7. Work students are expected to bring enough clothing, and shoes to last at least the first three months, during which no time supplies will be issued. The utmost economy is expected, that they may accumulate money for school expenses in the Normal course of study.
8. On entering the Normal course those who have been work students are expected to procure of the school a complete