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Courtesy and mutual forbearance are expected of both pupils and teachers, as indispensable to good discipline. 
Students are subject to prompt suspension or discharge for an unsatisfactory course in respect to either study, conduct or labor, or on a third "warning." Five zero marks amount to one "warning." Low or profane language will subject a student to severe discipline. Students are liable to fine, reprimand, confinement or other necessary discipline. 
[[italics]] The use of ardent spirits and tobacco is prohibited while connected with the school either on or off the grounds; also card-playing. [[/italics]]
Students are not allowed to retain firearms in their possession. The Commandant will retain and receipt for any brought. 
Letter writing is subject to regulation. 
Wardrobes and room of all students are subject to inspection and regulation by the proper officers. 
Students are subject to drill, guard duty, and training with or without arms. Those who are suspended will not be permitted to remain at the Institute while waiting for funds to take them home. 
Students are not allowed to leave School premises without permission. 
There are daily devotional exercises at which students are required to be present. 
They are also required to attend Sunday services at the School Chapel; Sunday-school in the morning. 
The alcoves for the new Library have now been completed and contributions of money, or suitable books to fill the shelves are solicited. 
It is hoped that the friends of the School will interest themselves in furnishing it with what is needed to make a good basis of instruction in Literature, in Physical Science, and in Natural History. 
But little scientific apparatus has as yet been provided, and