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April 22, 1935

Dr. Charles H. Wesley, General President
The Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity
Howard University
Washington, D.C.

Dear Dr. Wesley

I am very grateful to you and Brother Evans for your kind letter on the behalf of the Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity. It is a great source of encouragement to know that on assuming the presidency of Tuskegee Institute, I shall have the united backing of Brothers in Alpha Phi Alpha.

It was a great pleasure to be present on the occasion of the Fraternity Council, through the efforts of you and Brother Lawson. This was indeed an inspiring occasion, and the beginning of what I believe to be a very significant step in the direction of inviting the interest of college graduates to lend their weight in solving the many complex problems which confront the Negro of this country.

Kind regards to Mrs. Wesley and friends of the University. 

Very sincerely yours,

F. D. Patterson,
