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[[underlined]] Wesley Dog and Cat Hospital [[/underlined]]
TEL. 34


April 9, 1935.

Dr. Fredrick Patterson.
Tuskegee Inst. Ala.

Dear Doctor;

This comes to congratulate you for your recent appointment to the Pre[[?]]ideney of Tuskegee. Having had the pleasure of studying with you for the board of Ohio in the summer of 25, makes me doubly anxious to congratulate you, for I desern the great character you possesed. Being one of the "Sons" of Tuskegee makes me more interest-ed in your appointment and the welfare of Tuskegee.

May you live long that you too, may carry the banner of my and your race to higher and nobler things, as our dearly beloved Washington and Moton have done before you. May your prey be as the old patriots "Lord give me more wisdom that I may lead this their great people aright".

Accept this missive as a desire of my heart.
Respect. yours,

[[signed]] F. E. Wesley [[signed]]
F, E. Wesley D. V. M.

Transcription Notes:
on this page someone had written (looks like a C) on it