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[[preprinted]] Selvage, Lee & Chase Public Relations 1625 EYE STREET, N.W., WASHINGTON 6, D.C. TELEPHONE REPUBLIC 7-4040 NEW YORK WASHINGTON CHICAGO [[preprinted]] March 12, 1953. Dr. Frederick D. Patterson, President, Tuskegee Institute, Tuskegee, Alabama. Dear Dr. Patterson: In the New York Times of March 12, I read that you are resigning at Tuskegee to become director of the Phelps Stokes Fund. I am sorry to see you leave Tuskegee where you did an outstanding job under difficult conditions, but I know your new field offers you broader opportunities. I send you my congratulations and very best wishes. Sincerely, [[signature]] Sam Bledsoe S. B. Bledsoe SBB/bm