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^[[Reg letter]] [[preprinted]] HEADQUARTERS THIRD ARMY OFFICE OF THE COMMANDING GENERAL FORT MCPHERSON, GEORGIA [[/preprinted]] [[stamped]] 7 APR 1953 [[/stamped]] Dr. F. D. Patterson President, Tuskegee Institute Tuskegee, Alabama Dear Dr. Patterson: I have recently been advised of the submission of your resignation as President of Tuskegee Institute, effective 1 June 1953. Your absence from educational circles in this area will be keenly felt and I regret your departure. However, in your new position I am sure you will do much to promote education in our nation. Tuskegee Institute has produced many fine young officers through the Army ROTC Program, and can be justly proud of its contribution to the defense efforts of the United States. I would like to express my sincere appreciation for your enthusiastic and able support of the Army ROTC Program, and convey my best wishes in the undertaking of your new duties. Sincerely, [[signature: A.R. Bolling]] A. R. BOLLING Lieutenant General, USA Commanding