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[[preprinted]] HENRY S. BOWERS 30 PINE STREET NEW YORK [[/preprinted]] May 12, 1953 Dear Dr. Patterson: I have just had a chance to read a very nice letter from Dr. Dibble, with which were enclosed newspaper clippings about this spring's Clinc at the John A. Andrew Hospital, all of which I read with great interest. Along with those clippings was one reporting - for the first time, to me - the fact that you were going to retire from the Presidency of Tuskegee Institute to take up work with the Phelps Stokes Fund. I have no doubt of the most valuable contribution which you can in that way make, but I can't help but regret very deeply the inevitable loss to Tuskegee Institute. I should be one of the first to say that no man is indispensible, but some men are more nearly indispensible than others. I hope the Trustees may be successful - I am confident they will be - in making a wise choice as to your successor. Please remember me to Mrs. Patterson. I hope she and young Fred are well. With warm regards, Sincerely, [[signed]] Henry S. Bowers [[/signed]] Dr. F.D. Patterson, President, Tuskegee Institute, Tuskegee Institute, Alabama.