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[[preprinted]] LAKE VIEW FARM ON WHEELER LAKE LIMESTONE COUNTY, ALABAMA ATHENS, ALABAMA [[image - black & white photograph of a man on a tractor working in the field]] VETCHES LESPEDEZAS BEANS GRAINS ALL SEEDS TESTED G.R. BRIDGEFORTH DAN ACKLIN EARNEST RUFFIN,JR. I.M. BRIDGEFORTH B. BRIDGEFORTH [[/preprinted]] 3-17-53 ^[[reg letter]] Dr. F. D. Patterson, Tuskegee Institute, Ala. Dear Dr Patterson, I read with regrets, that you are leaving Ala. you have made a wonderful record at Tuskegee and a wise leader. You should be able to do more for the people of the world in you new position. Best of luck to you and good health to you & family in your new field Sincerely yours G R Bridgeforth