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State of Mississippi
Department of Education
J. M. Tubb. Superintendent
[[image - seal of State Superintendent of Education of Mississppi]]
Division of Instruction
S. A. Brasfield, Director
Jackson, Mississippi

Negro Schools
P. H. Easom - State Supervisor
E. P. Rawson - Assistant State Supervisor
Florence O. Alexander - Jeanes Supervisor

^[[Reg letter]]

April 9, 1953

Dr. F. D. Patterson
Tuskegee Institute

Dear Dr. Patterson:

It is a great shock to me that you are resigning the presidency of Tuskegee. I have come to regard you as one of the best educational statesmen we have in the South and I regret very much for you to leave our section of the country. We need just such leaders as yourself more than we need anything else.

I hope you will keep our section in mind when you go to your new post of duty. It may be that you can continue to render service to the educational interests of the Deep South.

With every expression of regard, I am

Cordially yours,
[[signed]] P. H. Easom [[/signed]]
P. H. Easom
State Supervisor