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G. L Imes

April 6, 1953

Dear Dr. Patterson :

It was with considerable surprise that I read the announcement in the New York Times of your proposed retirement from the presidency of Tuskegee Institute.

It brought at once to my mind a remark made to Dr. Moton by the Commodore of the U. S. Steamship Lines after his very unexpected resignation as the ranking officer of the Line--"it is a wise man who knows when to quit."

You have had a successful administration; you have definite and constructive achievements to your credit as listed in the press; you still have years of great usefulness ahead of you; you succeed to a post of honor and distinction that is no less prominent with equal opportunities for leadership and service that at the same time will be less burdensome and exacting , having strength and vigor to enjoy its advantages and privileges in an atmosphere congenial alike to yourself, your family and your friends, with a degree of security sufficient to relieve you of anxiety for the future.

You deserve it all and I wish for you the full realization of all your hopes and plans for the future. Of course, no one dreams that your association with Tuskegee will come to an end. In fact, like Dr. Moton you will be in a position to render even larger service to the Institute. The trustees will be fortunate to find a successor who will be equally successful.

Sincerely yours,
[[signed]] G. Lake Imes [[/signed]]

Dr. F. D. Patterson
Tuskegee Institute