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1609 Candler Building
March 18, 1953

Dr. F. D. Patterson
c/o Tuskegee Institute
Tuskegee Institute, Alabama

Dear Dr. Patterson:

I noted with keen interest your resignation as President of Tuskegee Institute. It, of course, goes without saying that your retirement is a keen loss to that institution, but the sense of loss is tempered by the knowledge that you will move to a wider area where your talents may be spread to further foster Negro education throughout the country.

It is my hope that under your tutelage you have trained a successor who will continue to carry forward the basic philosophy upon which the institution was founded and which has been carried on through three administrations.

I attach an editorial from The Atlanta Constitution on your retirement, and I wish you every success in your new undertaking.

Most cordially,
[[signed]] Harrison Jones [[/signed]]
