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Region VI
50 Seventh Street, N.E.
Atlanta 5, Georgia


March 13, 1953

Dr. F. D. Patterson
Tuskegee Institute
Tuskegee Institute, Alabama

Dear Dr. Patterson:

I read the news of your appointment with mingled feelings of pride and regret. Your friends in the Southeast are proud of this fine recognition of one of our leading educators but we regret your departure from this region very much.

Your work speaks for itself. You have seen Tuskegee grow from a small institution of 25 years ago to one of the leading institutions of the land today. I assure you that my staff and I appreciate the fine relationship we have had with you and with your staff.

I wish you had been with us when we had a joint meeting of regional officials in the field of Vocational Rehabilitation, Public Welfare, and Health. A clinic put on by officials from Tuskegee, Dr. Davis acting as Moderator, was one of the high-lights of the five-day meeting. The job this panel did was a credit to your university and to the Southeast. 

I hope your new duties bring you back to the Southeast from time to time. I am wishing you much happiness in your new position and I know you will continue to do a job of which all of us will be proud. My staff joins me in kindest regards to you.

Sincerely yours,
[[signed]] Richard H Lyle [[/signed]]
Richard H. Lyle
Regional Director