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[[letterhead]] Archie V. Murray
               Oliver Building

March 9, 1953

Dear Dr. Patterson: 

It was nice of you to let me know of your plan to resign as President of Tuskegee Institute and accept the position of Educational Director for the Phelps-Stokes Fund of New York City. Since I cannot conceive a situation wherein your presence would do more harm than good, I'm afraid I cannot agree with your reason for leaving Tuskegee. However, if your new affiliation will permit you to do more good in your chosen field, and at a less strenuous pace, then I think you are making a wise decision.

Naturally, I am delighted to lear that the change will not affect your association with the United Negro College Fund. The Fund would suffer without your very close association.

You may be sure that you have at all times my best wishes for your success and happiness.

[[signature]] A.V. Murray [[signature]]

Dr. F. D. Patterson, President
Tuskegee Institute
Tuskegee Institute, Alabama