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Dr. F. D. Patterson
May 19, 1953
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Being an alumnus of Tuskegee, naturally I am interested in the continuous growth of my school, but even if Tuskegee was not my Alma Mater, I would feel the same way. Tuskegee, by my yard stick, is a great institution. It must continue to move forward and make its contribution to the educational needs of all who seek what it has to give. The influence that Tuskegee has in the educational needs of all people who seek what it has to give. The influence that Tuskegee has in the educational world must continue to ever move forward. Not only because of its educational program, but over and above everything else, it is a private institution and these private institutions, such as Tuskegee, must continue to move forward and continue to be the type of shock absorber that they have always been in the educational world, and that they are today. Irrespective of what some might think, these great private institutions MUST continue to live and move forward as LEADERS in the educational world. I believe that every conscientious right-thinking man and woman share this opinion.

I know your honorable intentions, and I have every reason to believe that your attitude is to keep "hands off", but there is a whole lot at stake and if the wrong candidate should come up, although you might feel that you should not bother, I believe that it is your sacred duty to do everything in your power to see to it that our great Tuskegee will have the proper leadership and continue to move forward.

Here's hoping for you and yours the greatest of success in you new endeavor and my God be with you.

With kindest personal regards, I am

Your friend,
[[signed]] -Ben- [[/signed]]
BDOlive, Jr/h