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Queens College


March 12, 1953

Dr. F.D. Patterson,President
Tuskegee Institute
Tuskegee Institute, Alabama

Dear Dr. Patterson:

It was with mixed feelings that I read of your impending resignation from Tuskegee. Of course, I was surprised since I hadn't heard anything about it before reading today's NEW YORK TIMES. I am sure the decision came after much considered judgment. I am sorry, for  I believe you have done so much for the institution and its development. I believe you have done so much for the institution and its development. I must say again I've said so many times before, I could never have had a better administrator. Thanks so much for all you have done for me and my professional growth.

I feel I must congratulate you also for you are going to continue rendering needed and worthwhile services. to Negroes. I feel that you will bring much to your new undertakings and wish you God's speed.

It also makes me feel that now I must render my formal resignation from Tuskegee. As you know, I have hesitated this long with only a partial promise, because I have such strong loyalties to Tuskegee. However, I note as I read your statement, that my loyalties were also linked to you, my friend. I had contemplated returning to Tuskegee because I felt that my activities would be encouraged, understood, and buttressed by strength from your approval. Without that foundation I do not feel as strong. Will you also see that I receive my retirement savings before you leave?

I am enclosing a formal statement of resignation since it may be needed. I shall always in sprit be a member of the Tuskegee family.

My sincerest regards to Mrs. Patterson and Fred.

Very sincerely yours,
[[signed]] Deborah [[/signed]]
Deborah C. Partridge