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Island, S. E. Alaska, consisting of stone implements, charms with family totems carves on one side or both, horn spoons, wooden spoons, dishes, trays, etc., halibut hooks and club, wooden floats in the shape of ducks, knives with carved handles, carved wooden pipes and images, dance rattles, dancing mask, wooden helmets and head dresses, drum used at festivals, bag of gambling sticks, bark rope dancing belts, packing straps, hunting bag, food sack made of bear-intestines, leather suits of armor, dancing shirts, painted and ornamented, model of fish-trap, dolls with heads of carves bone, cakes of pressed black berries, and spruce bark.

[[underline]] M. Tandy, Dallas City, Hancock County, Illinois [[/underline]]
Collection from a mound and stone grave in Henderson County, near Dallas City, consisting of arrow and spear-heads, perforators of stone and bone, stone sinkers, paint-stones, marine shells, shell beads, and gorgets, pierced teeth of animals, and 1 pearl bead; 1 human skull with flint perforation [[underline]] driven [[/underline]], not [[underline]] shot [[/underline]] through the left temple. 

[[underline]] L. S. Bliss, Dallas City, Hancock County, Illinois. [[/underline]]
1 stone pipe from mound above mentioned.

[[underline]] Henry Gillbreth, Dallas City, Hancock County, Illinois. [[/underline]]
Collection from the same mound, consisting of rude