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rude implements, arrow and spear-heads, one clay vessel, fragments of pottery, and of human skull and bones.

[[underlined]]Thomas Herran, Antioquia, U.S. Colombia, S.A.[[underlined]]
Small collection from Indian graves at Cundinamarca, and Antioquia, U.S. Colombia, S.A. consisting of clay vessels, clay spindle-whorls, cartouche, etc.

[[underlined]]M.C. Keith, Costa Rica, C.A.[[underlined]]
Collection of antiquities found on the line of the Port Limon R.R. Costa Rica, [[Strikethrough]]consisting[[/strikethrough]] composed of clay vessels, plain or ornamented in relief, stone pestles, rubbing stones, (plain or with carved handles), metates, plain or ornamented, fragments of very large metates, and stone carvings (human and animal).  This is a valuable collection, especially as regards the stone implements and carvings.

End See h II
[[underlined]] 2. Administrative work. [[underlined]]

a. [[underlined]] Catalogues. [[underlined]]

1 [[underlined]] Museum register.[[underlined]] In this book the museum number, name of specimen, locality where found, name of donor, and date of entry are recorded. Sketches are also