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Congeroos1948/07/10Same jitterbug routines. Good act. 350.00 x shows 25.00
Congeroos1947/07/17$300.00Congeroos have changed their routine, open as usual, then boys go into good tap routine, then the girls do a fairly nice routine rhythm tap, then finish together with their jitterbug dances. Good opening act.
Congeroos1950/11/22$375.00Same routine. Have overplayed this act.
Congeroos1951/06/13Cab Calloway show. Same routine as on previous occasions.
Congeroos1952/01/04Cab Calloway Unit. Act has played here too frequent.
Congeroos1952/08/22$400.00Same routine
Congeroos1953/08/28$400.00Same act. Still good opening act. Very familiar to our audience.

Transcription Notes:
Because the exact amount paid for 1948/07/10 isn't listed I've done as with other cards and added figures to comments section - @siobhanleachman