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[[image - black & white photograph of Christopher C. Hubbard]]
[[caption]] C. C. HUBBARD [[/caption]]

CHRISTOPHER C. HUBBARD, principal at Paris, Missouri, after hard work with head and hands, after having been elected to many positions by the student-body, among them class president and class orator, was grad-uated in 1896. Since that time he has been quite a busy man. 

He was principal at Tipton for five years, and by this time had done so well that he was simultaneously elected at Tipton, Pleasant Hill and Paris; he accepted 

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the position at the latter, and has remained there ever since. 

At each place where Mr. Hubbard has taught young men and young women have been imbued with a spirit of attending Lincoln Institute. From Tipton have come four young men and one young lady, who have finished the course at Lincoln; and from Paris, four are now students at this institution. 

The School Board at Louisiana elected him principal at that place in 1905, but had previously reduced the salary, so Mr. Hubbard refused the position, saying: "No self-respecting teacher will accept a school at 'cut-rate' prices."

Mr. Hubbard has won some distinction as an orator. After hearing one of his speeches, a newspaper edited by a white man, referred to him as "Pike county's colored orator."

President Allen, of Lincoln Institute, selected him as one of the orators to speak on "Lincoln Institute Day" at the World's Fair at St. Louis.

Mr. Hubbard has held some important positions in the many organizations to which he belongs, to wit: President of Lincoln Institute Alumni Association, Past Generalissimo of Hesperian Commandery, Knight Templars; Worshipful Master of Grant Lodge, A. F. and A. M.; District Grand Chancellor, K. P., and Grand Secretary of the U. B. F. and S. M. T.

Mr. Hubbard has a worthy and helpful wife in Miss Princess E. Webb, who is a graduate of the State Normal at Montgomery, Alabama.