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[[image - black and white photograph of Katherine Moore]]
[[caption]]KATHERINE MOORE.[[/caption]]

Mrs. KATHERINE MOORE, having been born in Jefferson City, Missouri, is possibly saturated with the spirit of Lincoln Institute, from which she was graduated in 1882. Immediately after graduation she went to Kansas City, Kansas, and took the teacher's examination, upon which she received first grade certifi-

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cate. She was elected to teach in the school of this city, and taught for a term of one year. Having been elected to teach at Sedalia, Missouri, she accepted the position and taught three most satisfactory terms. In 1886 Mrs. Moore was elected principal of the Brunswick School, which position she held until 1892 she was elected to teach in the Fred. Douglass School, Columbia, Missouri, where she taught for eight years. Mrs. Moore subsequently taught two years in Jefferson City.

In 1886 Mrs. Moore was married to Prof. A.B. Moore, her former classmate, who was for thirteen years principal of the school at Columbia. To this union was born one son, Otis A. Moore, who was graduated from Lincoln Institute in 1905.

Few women in the State have been more active in secret organizations than has Mrs. Moore. For thirteen years she has been Grand Princess of the Sisters of the Mysterious Ten, the woman's auxiliary of the United Brothers of Friendship. Under her judicious administration, this has become the largest woman's organization in the State. She was for six years Grand Secretary of this organization, and for six years was Grand Secretary of the National Grand Temple, and is now National Vice-Grand Princess of the same.

Mrs. Moore owns valuable property in Jefferson City and in Columbia, all of which is improved. Her residence in Columbia is among the best modern homes in the town.