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gence, information, intellectual power, poise, tact, courage and industry that is sufficient to insure her success in any work in which she may engage. 
B.F. Bowles.
November 6, 1905.

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[[image - black & white photograph of Rufus L. Logan]]
[[caption]] R. L. LOGAN. [[/caption]]

RUFUS L. LOGAN was born and reared on a farm near New Bloomfield, in Callaway county, Missouri.  After attending the district school at his home he entered Lincoln Institute in October, 1892.  He took the Normal and Academic courses, from which he was graduated with first honor with a class of twenty-one persons.

His first experience as a teacher was in the public schools of Jefferson City, Missouri.  He was subsequently elected principal of the Kirksville school, where he served until he was elected principal of the Huntsville, Missouri, school in 1902, which position he now holds.  Under his management this school has been thoroughly graded and is considered one of the best rural schools in the State.