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of Lincoln Institute. She teaches history now in her classes without its being a burden.

During the summer terms of Lincoln Institute she has made commendable records in the art of beadwork, basketry and methods of teaching.

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[[image -  black & white photograph of Whitfield Ross]]
[[caption]] WHITFIELD ROSS [[/caption]]

WHITFIELD ROSS, principal of the public school of Montgomery City, Missouri, was graduated from Lincoln Institute in 1902, valedictorian of his class.

He spent four successive years here. He has the distinction of having delivered his valedictory address in the presence of Governor Dockery, who in his address to the graduates commented upon several points in the address of Mr. Ross.

A few days prior to commencement, the school board of Montgomery City had requested President E.A. Clarke to send them a strong young man to be principal of their school, whereupon Mr. Ross was recommend-