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cises the church was renamed Campbell A.M.E. Church in honor of Bishop J.B. Campbell.
For more than thirty years the members of the Campbell remained in this edifice until Rev. George H. West became pastor in 1917. Following Rev. West's pastorate in 1919, a campaign was started to obtain funds for the erection of a new structure. This new structure was completed in 1938. The new Everette Electron organ, of which the church is so proud, was purchased this same time.
Following Rev. George H. West, the following ministers have contributed greatly toward the completion of this church: Rev. W. H. Manakoo, Dr. Charles Wesley, Rev. J.A. Dames, Rev. A.L. Crigiar, Rev. P.A. Scott, Rev. H. R. Tomlin, Rev. A.C. Wells, Red. G. Dewey Robinson, Rev. William Dawkins and Rec. Mackey C. Carpentier. During the latter pastorates the Parish House was purchased and furnished and a "Mortgage Burning" took place in October, 1944.
The present Campbell A.M.E. Church, a modern brick and concrete structure, now stands at Sumner Road and Nichols Ave in the center of a growing community. The present pastor, Rev. S. Everette Guiles, has served since May, 1949. The church, under the leadership of Rev. Guiles is progressing along all lines. Among the current improvements are the remodeling of the Social Hall and he addition of a Nursery School Department. Today the Church has a membership of nearly four hundred and the Sunday School an enrollment of more than two hundred pupils. Many new clubs have been organized and the Church is in flourishing condition, both financially and spiritually. 

E.H. Polk
Interview by. Mrs. M. Dale

St. John's Church

St. John's C.M.E. Church was founded about the year 1870, as an offshoot of the old Mount Zion Church. When first established it was a small frame building situated at the juncture of Stanton and Pomeroy Roads; since many of its members had been connected with the Israel C.M.E. Church before moving to this community, it was established as a branch of that institution.
The early church was built with many sacrifices by its founders: working after their day's toil was done, by lamplight, they brought their meager supplies-bricks, lumber, and other material, and used their own skill as carpenters, bricklayers, plasterers, and painters to carry out its construction.
Some of the early founders were: Henry Jackson, Joseph Hall, Isaac Brown, Isaac Diggs, John Taylor, Gwinn Green, Henry Gwinn, Ann Smoot, Sophie Simms, Mr. and Mrs. Solomon G. Brown, and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Grantum. Mr. Solomon Brown was the leader of the first choir at Israel Mission, and the Rev. William H. Young, Sr., was the first pastor. He served from 1875-1877. 
From the beginning, St. John's operated as a center for the social life of this community-church concerts, dramas, fairs, suppers, and other entertainment filled to a large degree the recreational needs of the members. 

Israel Mission was also instrumental in furthering many of the early civic improvements in Anacostia; it was the first it open its doors to the Barry Farms Civic Association, an organization through which electric lights, water mains, sewage disposal, better streets and roads were brought to this community.
Some of the early pastors were: Rev. Chauncey Blount, 1877-1879; the Rev. John Mitchell, 1879-81; Rev. John Lear, 1881-82; Rev. Thomas L. Green, 1883; Rev. F. M. Hamilton 1883-84, and Rev. D. C. Lewis 1884-88. The Rev. John Lear, the fourth pastor, was the grandfather of Mr. Ulysses J. Banks, the architect of the present church, five great grandsons are all members. The present pastor is Rev. Bell.

M.E. Freeman
Document of late Emma V. Smith

Bethlehem Baptist Church

Bethlehem's history dates back to the year 1876. It was then that a few members of the Macedonia Church pulled out and began worship services in Douglas Hall until the present structure had been erected.

The first pastor of Bethlehem was Rev. Phillips. There have been seven pastors in Bethlehem's history.
The present building which stands at Nichols Avenue and Howard Rd. S.E. has been remodeled three times in the last fifty-four years.
The present pastor, Rev. Benhamin R. Kirkland, has served three years. Under his leadership and guidance, the church is progressing in all lines and is justly proud of its Sunday School, its choirs, and many other organizations. 

Bethlehem has done much to help the spiritual and religious growth of Anacostia.

Interview with Mr. C. Howard
A.G. Jones

Chapel of St. Philip The Evangelist

In 1888 the few Episcopalians living in Anacostia began to meet for worship in Sundays at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Smith on Howard Road, S.E. The Re. William Davenport, rector of Emmanuel Church, officiated at these services. In 1889 a room in Douglass Hall at the corner of Nichols Avenue and Howard Rd. was rented by the group, and the chapel was organized as a mission of Emmanuel Church with Re. Mr. Davenport still conducting the services.
Later, Pioneer Hall, a frame building on Nichols Avenue, was purchased by the members. A regular Sunday School class known as Pioneer Institute has previously met in this hall under the leadership of the later Solomon G. Brown. The roof was raised; a sanctuary and an altar were added. Stained glass windows were put in, and the basement converted into a parish hall. The mission was then made a chapel under the direct control of the Bishop of Washington. Bishop Satterlee confirmed the first class on May 29, 1892.
This chapel on Nichols Avenue was used continuously until 1937 when the new chapel and parish hall were erected under the leadership of the Rev. Millard F. Newman. the new chapel was 

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