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8 stone pendants, a stone bead, a bone implement (perforator?), a polished piece of iron pyrites of hemispherical shape (mirror), a specimen of magnetite, 7 copper bells, a copper chisel, 69 T-shaped axes (so called), and a specimen of adobe.

[[underline]] Costa Rica. [[/underline]]

[[underline]] J.C. Zeledon, San José. [[/underline]] Five stone celts, 2 pierced club-heads(?), a metate (ornamented), 2 baking-plates, 2 stone carvings representing human figures, a stone-carving (head of human figure), a small stone ornament, a natural formation (concretion), and a spool-shaped object of clay.

[[underline]] Peru. [[/underline]]

[[underline]] Dr. W.H. Jones, U.S. Steamer Wachusett. [[/underline]] A carved wooden image (human figure) from Chimbote.

[[underline]] Guadeloupe Island, W.I. [[/underline]]

[[underline]] M. Louis Guesde, Pointe à Pitre. [[/underline]] Four celts, and 17 notched axes (mostly broken).

[[underline]] Island of Hayti. [[/underline]]

[[underline]] Trocadero Museum, Paris, through Dr. Hamy. [[/underline]] A cast of a stone celt and handle in one piece.