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and 4 large flint implements of exquisite workmanship, [[red ink]] * [[/red ink]] the two most remarkable of which have been cast by Mr. Hendley. A minute description of the mound in question is given by Dr. De Witt.
[[red ink]] 16274. [[/red ink]]
[[underline]] Natural Science Association of Staten Island, New Brighton._ [[/underline]] A cast of a stone head (human) of a very remarkable character. The original was found in Southfield, Staten Island, at a depth of from 12 to 18 inches in the swamp near the Fingerboard Road. A full account is given in the Proceedings of the above-named association.

Smithsonian Institution, October 2, 1885.

C. Rau

Professor S.F. Baird.

Transcription Notes:
The first word of the second sentence (after the red *) is transcribed as "the" (which makes sense in context) but appears to be hand-written "she".