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[[underline]]hands[[/underline]] of the [[underline]]nurse[[/underline]]; the [[double underline]]pressure[[/double underline]] being applied, [[underline]]alternately, first[[/underline]] with the right hand on the [[underline]]forehead[[/underline]] and the [[underline]]left[[/underline]] hand [[underline]]behind[[/underline]], on the [[underline]]occiput[[/underline]], _ and [[underline]]then[[/underline]] with the [[underline]]left[[/underline]] hand on the [[underline]]forehead[[/underline]] and the [[underline]]right[[/underline]] hand [[underline]]behind[[/underline]] the head.  [[Symbol of a circle with a cross drawn through the middle, and a dot placed in the middle of each quadrant. Drawn in red ink.]]  These  [[Same circular symbol appears in bottom left corner of page]]  [[notation on side of page]]This last operation [[underline]]continues[[/underline]] to be performed for several months!