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4:00 to 6:00 p.m.
Lift Every Voice and Sing --- Johnson 

The Lord's Prayer --- Recording by Wilson Woodbeck

Greetings ---- Mrs. Ruby Kendrick Public Relations Director of National Association of Colored Women 

Original Poem --- Mrs. Bernice Spottswood

Recordings (Negro Spirituals) --- Robert McFerrin 

Selections --- Metropolitan Youth Choice Mr. Wilber Hunt, Director 

Creole Songs --- Composed by Miss Camille Nickerson
Miss Wilhelmina Owens, Soprano
Miss Nickerson at the piano 

"I Bought a Hat (original) --- Mrs. Cynthia Jones 

(a) Go Down Moses --- Burleigh 
(b) Confession --- Jean Stor Mrs. Johnnie Mae Freeman

Introduction of Speaker --- Mr. William Francis

Guest Speaker --- The Reverend G. Dewey Robinson Pastor, Metropolitan A.M.E. Church 

Tenor Solo --- (Selected) --- Bradford Williams 

Biography of W.C. Handy --- Mrs. Barbara Edwards Lee

Soprano --- (Selected) --- Mrs. Bettye Mansfield Miles 
