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[[Fo?]] 2

Miss Phyllis ACKERMANN     

DIDIER PAPA and all the LIMOGES plaques are of the period. There are so to say, no reparations to amount to anything. There are a few little repairs as it always occurs at the edges, but as I said before nothing worthwhile being mentioned. The price we must ask for is:

[[underlined]]$ 28,000 (twenty eight thousand dollars) [[/underlined]]

I expect sailing back to the STATES on December 1st and should you be able to interest your Museum, I would like to have almost a definite answer by the time I get there, as we have a customer in NEW YORK who is interested in it.

I have told your husband that I was facing two propositions as regards to my trip to CALIFORNIA and I am asking you to give me the answer:

I can easily go to CALIFORNIA at the end of January or February, and I can come either without anything to show or, could bring anything you would like me to exhibit there, I do not know where.

Or, I could come to the opening exhibition of your Museum if it should not be later that April 1st. Any exhibition later than April 1st I could not attend as I have to be back in EUROPE by that time.

Let me know your advice. Hoping that things are settling nicely in San FRANCISCO.

Pray believe me,
Yours sincerely.
