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stones, rude implements more or less leaf-shaped, fragments of animal bones (split), ox-teeth and teeth of deer or elk, from caves at Ballymenoch and Craigavad; hammer-stones, polishing-stones, and rude axes and celts from an ancient manufactory at Ballymenoch; crushing-stones, a hammer-stone, rude celts, arrow and spear-heads, scrapers, knives, harpoon-heads (?), sinkers and sling-stones, all of flint, from second raised beach at Holywood.

[[single underlined]] Thomas Wilson, Washington, D.C. [[/single underlined]] _ The large and valuable collection of prehistoric and to some extent historic antiquities, brought together by Mr. Wilson in Italy, Switzerland, France, England and the Scandinavian countries, was received and catalogued during the latter part of this year.  The contribution embraces drift and cave