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Bill Daley
Hello, Sweetheart. Yes, Mother's in New York. You know New York. Where that huge lady is standing in the water holding up a torch? I know you've seen me do it but that was at a party.

Besides, this lady is about 200 feet high. Yes, I know I was high!

Yes, she has a crown. I thought I looked great in the bear trap. 

Are you studying? No dear, 5 and 5 is 10. I don't care what your father said.

I'll prove it to you. Count the fingers on your left hand. Now count the fingers on your right hand. How many did you get. Twelve? Oh, that's right, I forgot. Tell you what. Go count the fingers on your brother's hand. He has ten.

And let me talk to your father. He's asleep? On the floor? Well, throw some water on him. I know he hates water, but this is important.

WAITS....Hello, sweetheart. This is Muzzy-poo. Is Muzzy's babysweet lonesome?

(CHANGES TONE FROM SWEET TO SOUR) FANG, will you get off the line. I wasn't through talking to the dog. Now, Fang, listen!

I just arrived and I forgot that new material. I want you to get it and send it to me tonight. It's in my drawer in the bedroom.

What's a long hard climb to the second floor? Fang, the children will help you. Get on your feet. Well, take off the roller skates.

Fang, by the way, how much is 5 and 5? I know it's easy but tell me anyway. No, Fang. No, listen. Count the fingers on your right hand. Now, hold up and count the fingers on your left hand. (ASIDE)...He dropped the phone.

Did you do it? What did you get? Eleven? No, Fang, 10. You got ten plus one big fat finger with a label on it. Fang, you counted the bottle.

Fang, drop the bottle and count. Let go of the bottle! I know you'd rather die first.

Yes, I'll be home soon. Yes, I'll send you a picture postcard. Fang, they don't have picture postcards of liquor stores.

Alright. -- Goodnight, Fang.