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[[underlined]] Sep. 5, 1910 [[/underlined]] (Monday)
Spent forenoon in packing, writing letters, looking up notes, etc
Sent two baskets to Ia. Geol. S., (B.S.)
At 2 PM. went to Fairview by rail.
Rained A.M. but P.M. was quite clear.
Went to Fairview. Fine exposure at (A) in sec. 16 -
Lowest bottom about 5 ft. above water
Top of Nebraskan = 35 ft
Top of Aftonian sand & silt = 70 ft.
Top of Kansan - 85 ft.
The Kansan is jointed, brown, pebbly, with two streaks of gray silty fine-jointed stuff. (see sample from lower one)
One 3 in = 6 ft. from top
Other 6 " [[Ditto for: in]]  = 10 " " " [[Dittos for: ft. from top]]
From top to about 55 Alt.
(from bottom) fine sand and fine gray fine-jointed silt -

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alternate, - silt 2 - 6 in, fine sand more.
At '- the sand becomes coarser & pebbly, then fine, then coarse.
Coarser below.
Ferruginous line below most of silt band.
[[line across page]]
Going up.
Lowest bottom - 0
Top of Nebraskan  - 45
" " [[Dittos for: Top of]] uppermost fine gravel 55
" " [[Dittos for: Top of]] lower gray streak 65
" " [[Dittos for: Top of]] Kansan 80

The lower gray - probably belongs to Aftonian - 2 ft. deep.
Upper gray is only in streaks - 
The sand & silt alternate (in upper part, & silt bands appear below.
The sand & fine gravel (at least 2 good layers of latter) are cross-bedded, in places
ferruginous & dark  Aftonian 
The Nebraskan is band, jointed in part gray, rusty & with very

Transcription Notes:
See this article for terms used on this page -@siobhanleachman