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[[underlined]] Cut 9 [[/underlined]] 1st cut E. of Hawarden on C&NW (new cut) 
This runs to 7 ft deep & shows yellow loess with bluish streaks below.
[[underlined]] Cut 10 [[/underlined]] is just east & is long, & over greater part.
10-14 ft. deep. Eastern it runs probably 20 ft.
It shows Kansan, much of it with few pebbles in west part, where it looks like a wash.
Back nearly 1/2 way from west end there is typical bluish, ferruginous stain, calcareous, pebbly Kansan.
It breaks off abruptly.
The part above true Kansan shows normal sand in lower part, especially between two humps of Kansan.
It is stratified & ferruginous & the tough Kansan-like material (or loess-like) is also more or less stratified towards base.

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[[underlined]] N. side of cut 10 [[/underlined]]

[[image - pencil sketch of cross-section of strata shown in cut]]
[[image captions]]
(see next page)
In this part like loess, but jointed ([[underlined]]  see sample [[/underlined]])
{ 5 - 6 ft dark Ferruginous band 
Kansan like, few pebbles
Sandy & jointed 
Lower part divided sand layers (ferruginous) sand gravel
Kansan - Nebraskan boulder
- small dark green boulder
- Nebraskan boulder (see sample)
[[/image captions]] 

S. side cut 10
[[image - pencil sketch of cross-section of strata shown in cut]]
[[image captions]]
Rusty sand. Kansan-loess like, tough
Like Kansan
[[/image captions]]

The Kansan contains sand boulders & towards W. end they strike sand layers.  Springs come out "on very tough clay".  Kansan also has Nebraskan boulders - twisted. (see sample)
One such pocket contained green boulder 2 1/2 in diam.

Transcription Notes:
It is "Hawarden".,_Iowa near the end of the his comments on the s. side of cut 10 I changed "sand boulders" to "some boulders"--thomasc