Viewing page 21 of 98

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N. of main exposure I could see rusty coarse sand & gravel & a few small boulders lying on brown shale, - about a foot or so exposed.
[[underlined]] Return to Chatsworth [[/underlined]]
[[underlined]] Cut 19 [[/underlined]] shows 6 ft. of yellow loess, nodules above.  It shows lamination below (weathered.)  Road cut.
[[underlined]] Cut 20 [[/underlined]] - Road cut top of hill & N. slope shows about 5 ft. of yellow loess, nodules above.
[[line across page]]
[[underlined]] At bluff N [[/underlined]]
Bottom reads 1160 (this is not lowest bottom, but terrace).
RR reads 11[[overwritten]] 78 [[/overwritten]]80 [[1180]].
[[underlined]] Cut 14 [[/underlined]] shows irregular weathered shale with some Kansan, typical, above it. It seems that the shale eroded irregularly & Kansan filled in.
See figure next page,

[[end page]]
[[start page]]


[[underlined]] cut 14 [[/underlined]]

[[image - pencil sketch of hill/road cut showing exposures of shale and Kansan]]
[[image captions]]
about 200 ft long
weathered shale
5 ft [[line pointing to thickness of Kansan on right side of hill]]
2 ft
15 ft. [[line to bracket showing total height of hill]]
looks about like Kansan - Is over wash!
[[/image captions]]

The Kansan (oxidized below) here lies on Cretaceous shale.
This cut is at end of small spur.

[[image - pencil sketch of strata at cut 15]]
[[image captions]]

cut 15 (S. end) (Main cut)
Photos 15 & 16 [[check mark above numbers 15 & 16]]
[[/image captions]]