Viewing page 22 of 98

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The north end of cut 15 shows clean & clear
RR. reads 1180.
Top of shale 1215
Kansan - 4-5 ft
Sandy for a foot or two above Kansan & this grades up into 6-7 ft. of yellow loess - almost without nodules.
A few ^ [[insertion]] small [[/insertion]] boulders appear on top of Kansan
The Kansan is typical, bluish & brown, with pebbles, calcareous; sand boulders, (small & few)
This part of cut is fine.
The sandy layer is clearly between Kansan & loess & grades up into latter. Top is somewhat laminated and fine

[[end page]]
[[start page]]


[[image-sideways on page, pencil sketch of hill showing rock strata; railroad tracks at bottom of hill]]
[[image captions]]
N. end      S. end
[[left side of drawing]] Sand . [[line connecting to hill]]
[[right side of drawing]] Loess
Silt   Sand
[[/image captions]]

[[line across bottom of image]]
In the south part of the cut the sand seems to rest directly on the shale, except in N. part of the 2. section which shows: (see other side.)