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The loess & sand grade together by interlamination.
There are  coarser grains of sand in lines - as if water, but I have seen just such segregation of coarser sand by wind on drives in  Muscatine Co & at Dane Park. 

At extreme S end of cut 15 (beyond my figure) there is loess above, sand (laminated below that) & then a bed of  reddish stuff (I called it Nebraskan) on that. Then shale.

A line of boulders & some sand & gravel appear just above.

A nearby spring also comes out at this place.

The boulders & pebbles may be Kansan, more likely Aftonian, or they may belong to Nebraskan but I could see none in it.

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(See sample of "Nebraskan".
In the S. end of cut 16 - shale shows at about same level.
Then a band of sand (lower part coarse, ferruginous, with pebbles & some boulders. It rests on a blue shaly stuff (a red band of it at top) - see sample. Cretaceous shale, but very like what I have seen up the river.
The lower part of the sand is decidedly Aftonian, but upper part shows interlamination with silt (like above Fair inn?) & some of thin silt appears in lower divides Aftonian.
Upward it runs into a sandy silt - & upward into loess (?)
The laminated part here appears to have been lain in water.