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At 9 shale shows at top of ridge not less than 50 ft. above bottom.

Went up into sec. 18

The springs here are at 1175. 
There seem to be springs at about this level on both sides of the Dry Run Valley.

There are at least 3 springs on slope above (N.E.) of home.  Shale crops out below, then Kansan drift appears, & loess tops hills.

Mr. Coleman says he bores into spring & after getting through "yellow clay" (evidently Kansan) he strikes sand & gravel.  He says they, [[insertion]] ^ (sand & gravel) [[/insertion]] break out on surface occasionally
creek bottom reads 1105
[[underlined]] Patrick Coleman. [[/underlined]]

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[[start page]]


Cut [[underlined]] 10 [[/underlined]] 
In the Coleman pit on sec. 13 sand runs up to 1185 ft.
The upper layer has coarse material & some large boulders. 
Sandier below.
In upper part rotten granite boulders.
In other pocket (NW) loess shows above.  Sand there is at about 1165.
The main sand pit is just in a level with a pocket on S. side of rich valley which also looks like a sand pit.  [[insertion]] This is Butcher's pit in sec. 28. [[/insertion]]
It is also almost level of springs on S. side.
Some of the boulders (granite, Soo Q., etc) measure 4 - 5 ft.
This is in Sioux Twp.
Road (main) on bottom reads 
Reading at base of Tracy's pit = 1250

Transcription Notes:
Soo Q - is authors abbreviation for Sioux Quartzite Twp - abr?iation for township