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An old pit had also been worked above the road a little farther up, - but probably ran out upward.
Four Silphium laciniatum with root 6 ft. long, perfectly vertical, in gravel pit, the end had been cut off.

Bottom at Holly Spring 1030
Top of sand in Hurd pit=1100 [[written over 1000]]
Base as far as I could make out, 1085.
3-4 ft of distinct calcareous, gray, ferruginous - stained Kansan, with few pebbles rests on a silty-sandy part of Aftonian & Kansan is [[underline]] very [[/underline]] calcareous (nodular) near line
Loess on hill above.
Lower down a ferruginous gravel, mixed & irregularly stratified, is worked for the gravel.

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This is said to be one of the oldest pits in this part.
Westward a small pit shows nice cross-bedded sand & gravel under a mixed top layer.
Kansan is clearly above it all along here.
There is quite an extensive terrace on the W. side of West Fork which seems to be about on a level with the Aftonian of this pit.
The territory between Holly Springs and the Hurd pit is [[underline]] very [[/underline]] rolling loess-Kansan, & the numerous cuts along the road show yellow loess, nodular above & few rounder nodules below.
The 6th cut N. of holly Springs (2nd in 2nd mile N) shows yellow loess with scattered fossils: (See box.) 

The 1st cut N. (just N. of cross-road) shows lamination below.