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Bottom here reads 970 At an altitude of 1030 a very hard red pebbly joint clay (looks like part Loveland) this over sand & loess above that.
This (1030) is top of sand, gravel appears at 1018

The sand seems to slope down hill.  It probably runs out and the mass of Kansan appears below
The gravelly layer is only a band with sand under it.
Most of the sand is very ferruginous, especially up the slope.
At about 1010 a fine gray laminated silt appears below gravel & sand & is interlaminated somewhat with them. I dug into it about 1 foot. This is like of

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gray silt at Soo Falls. (see sample)
Below this on slope appears a till which I would have called Kansan. It [[strikethrough]]is gray[[/strikethrough]] weathers gray like Kansan but is [[underline]] very [[/underline]] tough.  It is very limey. [[It runs into [[insertion]] my [[/insertion]] silt, later?]] [[/strikethrough]] (See sample))
This is just like material under gravel at Granite, - Probably a phase of Nebraskan
The E. side of the road shows no sand & and heavy red (Loveland like) stuff may be continuation of Kansan.
The loess runs down into a redder Loveland like layer above sand however, on the W. side, this lower stuff weathers into exactly the same grayish lumpy stuff from below gravel at Granite,
Saw a sand boulder in this lower down. 
Ordinarily I certainly would have called the lower material Kansan.