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The Harnoll sand pit is at S. edge of town (& terrace)
It has the top joint soil (2 or 3 ft) then 4-6 ft mixed gravel & small boulders and below that about 7 ft. of clean sand very nicely horizontally stratified.

Along W. side of sec. 5 S. of Anthon there is a long exposure (5-6 ft deep) showing a heavy yellow silty(?) stuff with many small nodules.  Below 6 ft it becomes chocolate.
This is up above bottom. (at 1075) It is somewhat loess like, but too heavy. Sand appear (it probably belongs below this layer)
Southward there is a very ferruginous band between this & the chocolate layer.
At school-house the bank seem to consist of Loveland (reddish) only 3 or 4 ft high.

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In sec. 7 - there is a gravel pit (F. J. Hiller pit). Old pit - 30 yrs.
Base of exposed part about 1045. 8 or 10 ft irregularly exposed.
Small boulders scattered all through.
Deeper down there is fine sand.
There are springs in hills.
The upper coarser material is mixed pebbles, coarse sand, etc. 
It also contains a few Kansan till "boulders" in upper part.
Above this in the hill (a gutter cuts in) strong and distinct and typical Kansan, bluish, jointed, with few pebbles & quite calcareous.
This is certainly Kansan & the gravel [[underline]] below [[/underline]] it!
The top of gravel (as nearly as I could make out reads 1055.
This is in main hill facing S.
The nice fine sand begins about 10 ft. below top of gravel. Mr. Hiller says he has found clam shells but no bones or teeth.
Another gutter S. shows clear Kansan.
Loess on hill.