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This is at Child's Point.
At Coffin Spring, which is just below first wagon-road that crosses RR. (1/2 m. or so below Child's Pt) there are ledges of limestone, rising 3 or 4 ft. above RR,
On the limestone rest about 3-4 ft. of hard heavy whitish silty stuff - probably Aftonian.
On this are 2-6 ft of sand, pebbly above, & strongly oxidized in the streaks.
Above this is loess, - but Loveland like below.  The probability is this is slumped stuff.
A little farther down the bluff the sand rises & forms a thick bed.
At the next spring, 200 ft below Coffin Spring,

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The ledge of rock is only a little higher than RR.
Then 20 ft. up there is a bed 1-3 ft deep of white volcanic ashes (see sample)
The man says that there is sand below again.
The sand rises above & seems to be at least 30 ft thick
This volcanic ash is evidently a part of a silty layer, & is not unlike the gray silt on rock at Coffin spring.
At the latter the material is all low at end of ridge. Rises higher southward.
This road is near S. line of sec. 24. - 1 1/4 mi. above Bellevue.
This is at Parker's place, just below the Child's place. 
The hill with [[cache-lime?]] is 170 ft. above R.R.