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The highest pt. in the next mile (highest on plateau) is 1060
In sec. 22 - a long cut shows

[image - rock strata]]

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Kansan 3 ft.
Blue loess 6 ft.
4 ft  Yellow loess Nodular also 
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The two loess are separated by oxidized band,
Blue loess & Kansan sharply separated

840 is top of Fairview bench.
820 RR. depot.

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The plateau which we crossed along road S. of river to Fairview is rolling, high, on level with Iowa plateau, & the heavy timber on slopes along river doesn't show at all - all out of sight.
Yellow loess covers all, the upper part uniformly nodular.
There is much blue loess & Kansan shows at several points on lower slopes.
At turn of road before (or just at) going N. to Fairview there is a good exposure of fine Kansan.
Left Fairview at 2.18 for Westfield.
Mr. Boot took train back to Canton.